Thursday, November 11, 2010

Look! I have to tell you...

Oops!   Sorry, no blog yesterday.  As the boyfriend person put it, I was a "busy bee lady."

Unfortunately I'm afraid this one must be quite brief.  I've got much to do!  Work has become somewhat hectic (more on that later...maybe) and I've got tons of sewing to do for the upcoming premier of Harry Potter!  As Dumbledore would say "time is of the essence."

Expect a lengthy review following the movie.

 I am considering posting the progress of my sewing projects?  Yea or Nay?  We will see.  So I'm sitting here drinking the most chocolatiest hot chocolate ever made and watching Home Improvement, but something is really bothering me.  Whatever happened to Jonathan Taylor Thomas?  Seriously.  I just did a brief search and nobody bizarre.  It actually makes me sad that he's just fallen of the grid like rude.

So I guess, I may have slacked off on my sewing tonight and spent a lot of time on the computer.  I got an e-mail from Best Buy, which inspired me to look at my RewardZone points.  I only have like 37 and I need 250 to get a $5 certificate...but...I found out that I get 500 points just for signing up for Netflix!  Which I wanted to do anyway.  Hot dog!  I need to read more about all these rewards cards I've accumulated, cause that's good stuff, I'm telling you.  That reminds frequent movie goer card hasn't arrived yet -.- What gives?

So I told you this would be brief, and so it was.  I plan on writing an interesting and inspiring blog soon.  Probably expect that.

I'll leave you with a run-down of the epic week I have to look forward to:

Monday: Taco Movie Night/Assassins Creed Brotherhood comes out at midnight
Tuesday: Assassins Creed day of play
Wednesday: same as before
Thursday: midnight release of Harry Potter
Friday: Day off for reflection of week and probably playing more Assassins Creed

Okay, so yeehaw there ya go
Well time for sleeping

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

If I could turn back time

High everyone!  It's today!

I, of course, didn't get enough sleep last night.  After finishing my blog, I still spent a good hour more rocking the Disney tunes.  Then laid down with a good article, before falling half asleep for the whole 4 hours I still had available for such silly things.  I slept through my alarm and woke up 1 minute after I should have been leaving for work.  Work was successful nevertheless, because that's just how I rock it.

I came home about 5, ate some chicken nuggets with french onion dip (it turned out to be a fantastic idea), and then took a nap.  My day was all in all, really uneventful.  So you'd assume I'd have nothing to blog about...That was the dilemma I was facing anyway, until I stumbled upon this:

which will then need to be followed by this:

So this is Captain EO, a 4-D movie attraction at Epcot in Walt Disney World.  This short 17 minute film brings us back to the glory days of Michael Jackson, before he went full-on weirdo, and was still being followed around by an entourage of 30-plus humans, presumably all cloned and engineered in a lab for the one purpose of following Michael around mimicking his every movement.

The film is directed by none other than Francis Ford Coppola, the mastermind that brought us the Godfather and Apocalypse Now.  Additionally it was written and produced by some guy named George Lucas.  I'm being serious here... Although if you actually watch the film, you'd have no doubt that Lucas had some sort of influence on the film.

So the story begins by  introducing us to Captain EO (Michael Jackson) and his ragtag gang, which consists of a small red ewok sporting butterfly wings, C3POs drunken unkempt great uncle, and Max Rebo.  They are on a mission to fly to the Death Star in a spaceship built by the Wright Brothers to deliver a "gift" to the Borg Queen.  Sadly, they didn't attempt a trench run...which would have maybe been more convincing than the time a trench run was attempted, and successfully executed (more or less), by a lowly transport shuttle on Star Tours.

Anyway, when they meet the Borg Queen, or Supreme Leader (portrayed by Angelica Huston), she informs them that because of their rudely unannounced arrival they will all be turned into trash cans, except EO, who is doomed to 100 years of torture.

Luckily!  Max Rebo brought his band equipment and Captain EO has mystical powers that allow him to turn people into back-up dancers.  They break out into song and dance whilst battling...Predators?  I wonder if it was Sci-Fi Tuesdays at Mos Eisly Cantina, Where Lucas, Coppola, sat around sipping bourbon alongside Ridley Scott and John McTiernan throwing ideas back in forth and so spawned this little beauty.

Regardless, Captain EO's wholly forgettable performance causes the Supreme Leader (or SL as she will be called from here on out) to writhe in agony within her web of cables.  This is the gift EO has brought to SL.  You see, she is actually very beautiful within, she only needs the key to unlock that beauty.  And with that, a rainbow leaps out of EOs chest and begins to transform the dark cold alien lair of the SL into a beautiful and peaceful Greek temple.  This coloful scene would later inspire Lisa Frank to make trapper keepers for 8 year old girls.

Along with the world around her, SL also becomes a beautiful woman once again (I made the assumption that she was once before too, though I don't really know)...And with that a dance of joy begins and all is well.  And fade to credits where we are once again reminded that this little piece is the love child produced by Francis Ford Coppola and George Lucas.

It's honestly so bad, it's good.

And in case you are like me, and have several pairs of 3D glasses lying around, and wanted to know if the 3D would work if you wore them....I tried...It doesn't really.  Disappointing, I know.  Believe me, I know...

So with that, I'll leave you with some fun little trivia about Captain EO

-EO was named for the Greek goddess of dawn Eos
-It cost $30 million to produce Captain EO, which averages out to a mere $1.8 million per minute.
-The short film has over 150 special effects, which is more per minute than any of the original Star Wars we see where Lucas' heart has really been all this time...

So I leave you with that, I have to go mark my calendar with the days until I can finally go see this epic tale in RL....

Monday, November 8, 2010

The World for Once in Perfect Harmony with all its Living Things...

As I made the decision to become a blogger, the choice of what to blog about has gone through many transformations, but here I have arrived, still with nothing viable to say (but hey, what are blogs for anyway?) but finally writing...
Originally the title of this issue was going to be "White White Wine," because I don't like red wine, and I was drinking white wine.  But now, as I've polished off half a bottle of white wine and an entire bottle of champagne and am now working on the remnants of whatever else I find in the refrigerator, that title seemed less appropriate.  I have a philosophy teacher who hates run-on sentences...good thing he probably won't read this.

My decision to blog may be a result of having spent an entire day alone, or that I've drank too much wine (among other things) or a combination of all that and various other things, but I am determined to complete one blog tonight.  A night that I insist has been a most enjoyable one.  I may be drinking a year-old Smirnoff Ice in my garage and listening to volumes of classic Disney songs by myself, but I maintain that it is better than the rest of the world, that just spent the last 5 hours standing in line waiting to pick up the newest Call of Duty...which I think is dumb.  Maybe Call of Duty is like...the most anticipated game of the year (every year) but I think it sucks, and here's why:  I am completely horrible at FPS...

Okay...maybe that's not the most objective argument...but it's my prerogative to have this opinion, and this is my blog, so there...Enjoy your new, ridiculously over-anticipated video game, you gamer wannabes.  I am, and shall remain as such, staunchly unimpressed by your accumulation of me when you beat Ocarina of Time in under 8 one sitting...without the guidebook (or walkthroughs on or similar sites, you literal type).

But seriously...have fun.  I'm happy as a clam listening to my Disney tunes, not thinking about what a terrible mood 7am is going to put me in, and at the moment, I am embracing my inner child...and my inner hopeless romantic that so often goes unacknowledged....but I am...oh so hopelessly romantic....

So Mulan...What do you think?  Shang was in love with Ping until he realized he was a she? Debate.

But seriously (again)...I do have to work early, so I leave you with my first blog.  And since it is my first blog and probably won't have too many readers, I don't feel terrible about laving you without much substance.  But more to come...I promise.

Later Days