Thursday, November 11, 2010

Look! I have to tell you...

Oops!   Sorry, no blog yesterday.  As the boyfriend person put it, I was a "busy bee lady."

Unfortunately I'm afraid this one must be quite brief.  I've got much to do!  Work has become somewhat hectic (more on that later...maybe) and I've got tons of sewing to do for the upcoming premier of Harry Potter!  As Dumbledore would say "time is of the essence."

Expect a lengthy review following the movie.

 I am considering posting the progress of my sewing projects?  Yea or Nay?  We will see.  So I'm sitting here drinking the most chocolatiest hot chocolate ever made and watching Home Improvement, but something is really bothering me.  Whatever happened to Jonathan Taylor Thomas?  Seriously.  I just did a brief search and nobody bizarre.  It actually makes me sad that he's just fallen of the grid like rude.

So I guess, I may have slacked off on my sewing tonight and spent a lot of time on the computer.  I got an e-mail from Best Buy, which inspired me to look at my RewardZone points.  I only have like 37 and I need 250 to get a $5 certificate...but...I found out that I get 500 points just for signing up for Netflix!  Which I wanted to do anyway.  Hot dog!  I need to read more about all these rewards cards I've accumulated, cause that's good stuff, I'm telling you.  That reminds frequent movie goer card hasn't arrived yet -.- What gives?

So I told you this would be brief, and so it was.  I plan on writing an interesting and inspiring blog soon.  Probably expect that.

I'll leave you with a run-down of the epic week I have to look forward to:

Monday: Taco Movie Night/Assassins Creed Brotherhood comes out at midnight
Tuesday: Assassins Creed day of play
Wednesday: same as before
Thursday: midnight release of Harry Potter
Friday: Day off for reflection of week and probably playing more Assassins Creed

Okay, so yeehaw there ya go
Well time for sleeping

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